Dealing Solution
home(KOSCOM) Business Financial Investment Company IT Service Dealing Solution
Dealing Solution (KOSMOS)
- Dealing solution specialized in global and domestic trading business of foreign securities companies
- Solution which supports Front and Back Office business in a single system (from pre-order registration to settlement), and provides specialized functions such as foreign orders, global settlement, transaction history management, etc.
Main Features
- Front Office Business
- Real-time processing of order/conclusion through global OMS(Order Management System) FIX linkage
- Various order functions such as DMA order, telephone order, pre-order, separate order etc.
- Receive orders from domestic asset management companies through STP-HUB linkage
- Real-time order status monitoring including deal tracing and etc. * OMS : Order Management System
* DMA : Direct Market Access - Back Office Business
- Support for global payment interfaces such as CTM and etc.
- Generate and transmit securities specialized report
- Pre-matching and settlement history, user performance management, etc. * FIX : Financial Information eXchange
(Global standard protocol for transmitting and receiving data between financial institutions)
* CTM : Global service (Omgeo CTM) that provides message sending and receiving service and etc. for transaction
confirmations and payment of transations between financial institutions
- Market Data - DF
- Market Asssociated
- Power Base
- Global Intranet - Offshore Confirmation System
- Settlement Link
- SetticNet
- Investors
- Bloomberg
- Investor