Market Data Service

home(KOSCOM) Business Financial Information Service Market Data Service

Koscom promptly and accurately provides market participants and financial information users with trading information produced in the capital market, promoting transparent and efficient use of financial information and market transactions.

Koscom provides real-time and batch information on financial investment products such as stocks, derivatives, bonds, commodities and index traded in the exchange and the OTC market are provided to information users in domestic and overseas institutions, information providers and media.

Market Data Service flow image

Main Contents

  • Distribution of market information such as executed trades, quotes, disclosures, index, etc. generated from Korea Exchange and KOFIA
  • Data distribution types
    • Real-time distribution among systems through dedicated high-speed network
    • Real-time distribution through internet
    • FTP(batch) distribution of end-of-day market information
    •    * FTP(File Transfer Protocol) : Protocols used in transferring files among computers on internet
  • PR Movie Clip
  • Brochure
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