
home(KOSCOM) Business Financial Investment Company IT Service PowerBase

A comprehensive outsourcing service that supports all IT business including basic business of financial investment company as well as asset management, investment information and global trading.

  • Securities·Futures companies can process all business even without having their own IT manpower and system, therefore have computation cost reduction effect
  • Possible to select and concentrate on the differentiation of financial business because there is no need to deal with investment in IT sector or to maintain competitiveness
  • A newly-established company or foreign companies can use PowerBASE for prompt establishment and conducting business, thereby ease the entry barriers into the Korean Capital Market

Able to use necessary modules selectively, depending on the scope of business

  • Securities companies can optimize their business and expenses by selectively using a part of the modules
  • Beside securities companies, financial companies can also use PB module (fund sales business etc.)
  • Main customers: Securities·Futures companies, banks, insurance, asset management companies, etc.

It is a next-generation comprehensive securities business service that enables customers to adapt to changes in the future financial environment, while ensuring business continuity, providing stable service with the best speed and non-failure, and aiming to provide more profit and business opportunities to customers.

Main Contents

  • Business-based Service : 19 areas such as account/receipts and payments, financial products, sales support, and etc.
  • Investment Information Service : Provide market price and quotation, financial information analysis, various contents and investment information
  • Network Service : Telecommunication network construction and maintenance
  • Specialized Business Service : Trading, dealing, Wrap Account, Trust, SFA, micro payment settlement, foreign futues & FX margin
  • Disaster Recovery Service : Management of disaster recovery center fully equipped with the latest supplementary installation
Securities & Futures Management System (PowerBase)
  • PR Movie Clip
  • Brochure
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