Mobile Solutions

STP-HUB Enterprise (Straight Through Processing HUB)

  • It is a hub system that enables domestic and foreign asset management companies to simultaneously order directly to several securities firms in Korea, and supports the automation of all processes from order through settlement through securities companies.
  • Establishment of STP-HUB in '03, computerized the exchange of messages (orders, contracts, sales reports, etc.) between institution investors and securities companies that used to handle telephone/fax machine etc. manually.
    • HUB role to connect domestic and foreign institutions and securities companies with one connection
    •     * Currently more than 270 financial institutions accessed
    • Provide professional relay service such as order delivery, check conclusion result, check payment history, etc.
  • Global Liquidity Hub oriented
    • STP-HUB achieves 'Korea One Gateway' in the world beyond order mediation hub in the Korean Capital Market, thereby contributing to the development of Kroean Capital Market as Global Liquidity hub.
    • Exported to Indonesia in ‘15. 12
STP-HUB Service Configuration
  • PR Movie Clip
  • Brochure
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